The Elemental Purification Breaths

Make a regular and formal practice of the Elemental Purification Breaths. These breaths are done before breakfast, hands hanging down by the side, if possible before an open window. If a murid is weak or ill, they sometimes may be allowed to do this exercise sitting or sometimes even whilst lying in bed. People who have to improve their health may do this exercise twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

The general exercise consists of four times five exhalations and inhalations. Inhalations and exhalations are done slowly, easily and quietly;

By inhaling, think that you receive, by exhaling that you radiate. What does one exhale and spread? The divine power of the space which purifies and revivifies one’s life, which inspires one and enables the soul to unfold. This thought must constantly be kept in mind during the exercise. There exist many other forms of this experience, but this is the general prescription.

Maqam 1

Begin with the External Zikr and the Invocation of the Inayati-Maimuni Sufis.

  1. Place your right hand over your heart.

  2. Place your left hand over your right hand.

  3. Place your right thumb over your left thumb.

  4. Spread your fingers.

  5. Lift your head to the sky and allow it to descend with the words, “This is not my body.”

  6. Turn your head to your left shoulder, then allow it to loll and drift across your chest to the right shoulderwith the words, “This is the temple of the heart.”

  7. Then recite the invocation of the Inayati Sufis . . .

Toward the One,

The Perfection of Love, Harmony, and Beauty,

The Only Being,

United with all the Illuminated Souls

Who form the embodiment of the Master,

The Spirit of Guidance.

Maqam 2

1. First five: in by the nose, out by the nose—by breathing on earth one will give all impurities to earth and will attract purity from earth;

Maqam 3

1. Second five: in by the nose, out by the mouth—by breathing before water one will purify the breath and will give out impurities to water;

1. Third five: in by the mouth, out by the nose—by breathing before fire one will purify the breath and will give out impurities to fire;

Maqam 4

1. Fourth five: in by the mouth, out by the mouth—by breathing the air one will purify the breath and will give out impurities to air.

Maqam 5


Maqam 6

Taking up the tesbih, we enter into the zikr with an invocation, as we mentioned, and begin repeating La ’ilaha ’illa llah hu ninety-nine times, slowly, with reverent intention.

Maqam 7

But it is not long before you discover that the words can easily be said while your mind and attention are wandering off, far into the distance. So, to a simple recitation of the words, we need to add the ingredient of awareness—attention to the words as we are pronouncing them. We need to make it a practice to hear the words we are speaking. Not just to say them; but to hear them, as if spoken to us from without.

Maqam 8